Wednesday, July 6, 2011

NERC set to Excercise Grid Cyber Security

We all know exercise is good for us, but not all of us regularly act on that knowledge. Well, NERC has seen our flab and is recommending we hit the gym.

NERC is sponsoring GridEx 2011, a cybersecurity exercise dedicated to incident response in the electricity sector in North America. The event will be held mid November 2011, and hundreds of utility companies are participating in various capacities.

You can see the press release HERE and if you work for a North American utility that's not involved yet, you can write NERC's Brian Harrell and he'll get you up to speed fast.

But remember this before you go getting all giddy: no pain - no gain.

Photo credit: Lululemon Athletic on

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. I search for some information on cyber security incident response and found many informative links here. Thanks for sharing
