Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Getting Very Tired of Smart Grid (and other) Security Whiners

I think I still have a little hangover from yesterday's post where I linked to a piece that had senior people worrying very publicly about the potential security shortcomings of the increasingly smart grid. Then this morning it hit me: I'm sick and tired of wimps, Chicken Littles, Eeyores, Glums (see TV show: The Adventures of Gulliver), etc., who spend all their time covering up and encouraging the rest of us to do the same.

I don't want to associate with those who live their lives in fear. I don't want that rubbing off on me. I'm focused on learning, helping and building, as are most of the people I am closest to, in work and in private life.

And here's an antidote to fear mongering if you want one: a short paper just penned by a US Navy Captain and a Marine Colonel that attempts to set a strategic course for the USA. You'll get the gist of this 15 page document from a short excerpt from the preface:
Porter and Mykleby give us a non-partisan blueprint for understanding and reacting to the changes of the 21st century world. In one sentence, the strategic narrative of the United States in the 21st century is that we want to become the strongest competitor and most influential player in a deeply inter-connected global system, which requires that we invest less in defense and more in sustainable prosperity and the tools of effective global engagement.   
Investing less in defense will certainly trigger some Pavlovian alarms. But I get from it that the focus is less on money, and more that we would seek a less defensive posture, a less defensive mindset. Instead, we would arm ourselves to the teeth with technological innovation, improved education, and accomplish force projection through getting our economic house decidedly in order. Think about the global shock and awe produced when our books are balanced and our economy roars back into life aided by neither smoke nor mirrors.

Here's a new National Strategic Narrative when you're ready to lose the fear and stride confidently into the remainder of the 21st century. And no, I'm not in la la land. A big part of this is securing the grid and ensuring our future energy needs are adequately, if not abundantly, met.

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