Thursday, August 22, 2013

NERC CIPs Catching up to iPhone Version Numbers

OK, imagine an auction barker: "Bids opening at NERC version 3, do we have a version 3? ..."

"Yes! How about version 4?" Etc.

Well, according to Honeywell's NERC CIP guru Tom Alrich (of the famous, eponymous and quite helpful blog), it now appears that the next version of the CIPs to which utilities must comply will be neither version 4 nor  5 but rather version 6!

I was stunned as were many of the those in online attendance. Tom explains his reasoning on the EnergySec webcast and much more, which you can see HERE. There's a lot of helpful information for utilities of all sizes dispensed in this hour long piece, with some deep dives into the ramifications of high, medium, and low risk assets.

Now, depending on whether we get an iPhone 5s or 6 next month, it's clear that NERC will not allow the CIP versions to lag far behind.


Attended most of this webinar online, but hat tip to my former colleague and (hopefully) current friend, Nebraskan Dave Hemsath of IBM for sending me the replay.

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