8/24 update: Realized the list of top 20 countries doesn't begin to convey the amount of international interest in Smart Grid Security, at least from what I can tell through visitor logs. In the last year there have been multiple visits each from over 100 countries ... what you you think of that?
First, let me welcome to new SGSB subscriber HH, who pushes the number of folks who now read this blog primarily through an email feed well over 1,100. Thought I'd give readers, new and long suffering, who arrive via email, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn or trails of breadcrumbs, a feel for this community via a sanitized picture of fellow readers.
So without further adieu or drama, here are a few stats for you:
Blog start date: April 2009
Number of published posts: 410
Twitter subscribers (@sgsblog): 770
Average unique site visits (weekly): 1500
Most represented types of orgs from which readers hail (my characterization):
- Government: National, State, City, Local
- Electric sector: utilities
- Electric sector: vendors and service providers
- Electric sector: industry groups
- Security, risk and privacy groups
- Analysts, academia, press
Top countries (by visitors, most recent 30 days):
- United States
- India
- United Kingdom
- France
- Indonesia
- Canada
- Netherlands
- Germany
- Saudi Arabia
- Japan
- Egypt
- Philippines
- Australia
- Norway
- Turkey
- Pakistan
- Spain
- Italy
- Brazil
- Greece
Unless I visit your utility in person before then, the next time you can accost me in public will be at the Fall version of the GridSec Conference in San Francisco, Oct 22-24. Will push more info out on that as it becomes available.
Till then, in the Northern hemisphere anyway, enjoy the rest of these long but shortening days. And be at peace with yourself.
Photo credit: Akuppa on Flickr.com