Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Smart Grid Security East: Final Reminder ... and an Offer

Here are the details for logisticians:
  • Hotel: The Crowne Plaza Knoxville hotel is the site of the Conference, and it's offering discounted room rates of $99 for attendees to the conference. (Remember to specify the “Smart Grid” block or the code “IWM”) 
  • Dates: Feb 28 - Training workshops, Mar 1 and 2 - Conference
  • Click HERE for conference web site and HERE for $300 off the full price including workshops
And since I think this is a good deal, and nothing of value should be given away for free, I'm going to ask you a question, and the first 5 who answer it correctly can attend Smart Grid Security East for free. Ready? Here you go:
Yesterday, on Valentines evening, an IBM supercomputer named Watson and its two human competitors on Jeopardy were given the following clue by Alex Trebek in the category "Potent Potables Olympic Oddities": "It was the anatomical oddity of US gymnast George Eyser who won a gold medal on the parallel bars in 1904."
What did Watson say? Email your answer to andybochman at gmail dot com and I'll let you know if you were correct ... and fast enough.


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